Prepositions of time - Preposições de tempo: [all levels]

Prepositions of time - Preposições de tempo
[all levels]

Clock Time:
at + clock time • The meeting starts at 9:00. 
• Come to my house at 7:30 pm. 
at + noon • We eat lunch at noon. 
at + midnight • I am usually asleep at midnight. 

Other Times:
at + night • We watch TV at night. 
at + dinnertime / lunchtime 
• Take off your hat at dinnertime. 
• She wants pizza at lunchtime. 

• We have free time on Monday. 
on + day 
• I play baseball on Thursdays. 
• They unwrap presents on Christmas Day. 
• My son always eats chocolate cake on his birthday. 
on + the weekend / weekends • He has hockey practice on the weekend. 
• I study English on (the) weekends. 

on + date 
• She has class on September 10. 
• I am going to a party on the first of July. 
• He has a doctor’s appointment on Monday, December 2. 

• They got a new car on January 10, 2014. 
We use ordinal numbers to say the date. 
ex: My birthday is on February 12th (on February twelfth)

Time of Day:
in + the morning • I take a shower in the morning. 
in + the afternoon • You have English class in the afternoon. 
in + the evening • We study in the evening. 

Months and Years:
in + month • My birthday is in June. 
in + year • She went to Europe in 2015. 

in + season
• We go camping in the summer. 
• They like to ski in the wintertime. 

Complete the sentences with IN/ON/AT
1.The class begins 8:30 am. 
2. The next school year starts September. 
3. I took swimming lessons April 2015. 
4. She plays volleyball Saturdays. 
5. December 31, my family celebrated New Year’s Eve. 
6. His birthday is Monday, June 8. 
7. the winter, we go ice-skating. 
8. They watch TV night. 
9. 2010, my city held a big festival. 
10. My wife drinks coffee the morning. 
11. We eat lunch 12:15 pm. 
12. I like to go to the beach July. 
13. They are getting married Saturday, May 26, 2018. 
14. My brother has his first karate class Wednesday. 
15. They like to read the afternoon. 
16. Flowers bloom the spring. 
