Listen up: An Irish Success [All levels]

An Irish Success

level: all levels

Originally, the Cranberries were a band called the Cranberry Saw Us. Brothers Noel and Mike Hogan (guitar and bass, respectively) formed the band in Limerick, Ireland, with drummer Fergal Lawler in 1990. Following the departure of the group's original singer, Niall Quinn, the trio placed an advertisement for a female singer.

Dolores O'Riordan responded to the advertisement and auditioned by writing lyrics and melodies to some of the band's existing demos. When she returned with a rough version of "Linger," the group hired her on the spot. Shortly after she joined, the band recorded a demo tape and sold it in record stores throughout Ireland. After the original run of 300 copies sold out, the group changed their name to the Cranberries and sent another demo tape, which featured early versions of both "Linger" and "Dreams," to record companies throughout the U.K. At the time the tape was made, all of the members were still in their late teens.

(Adapted from

QUESTION 01: What's the name of the band? And Where are they from?

QUESTION 02: Who plays the bass in this band?

QUESTION 03: Have you ever heard of them?

QUESTION 04: What's your favorite kind of music?


1- Listen to the song and put this words into the blank spaces.

EVERYTHING          USED          HONEY          FINGER          GAME          WRONG
TIME          ALWAYS          RUDE          BURN          GET BY          TRYING           HAND

Linger - The Cranberries

If you, if you could return
Don't let it _______
Don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being _______
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart
It's ruining _______
And I swore

I swore I would be true
And _______, so did you
So why were you holding her _______?
Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the _______?
Was it just a _______ to you?

But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You've got me wrapped around your _______
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to, do have to let it linger?

Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go _______
But I was wrong, I was wrong

If you, if you could _______
_______ not to lie
Things wouldn't be so confused
And I wouldn't feel so _______
But you _______ really knew
I just want to be with you


2- Match the expressions:

a) You've got me wrapped around your finger
b) It's tearing me apart
c) I thought the world of you
d) I'm in so deep
( ) I'm fully in the situation or realtionship
( ) I'm torn or broken
( ) I imagine you were perfect
( ) I'm on your hand/ I'm stuck into this

3- Comente em que situações você LINGER.


  1. Quentão 2:
    Turma : 7° B

  2. Questão 1:

    Resposta 1 : the cranberries . Irlanda
    Resposta 2 : mike hogan
    Resposta 3: não
    Resposta 4: sertanejo
    Turma : 7° B

  3. If you, if you could return
    Don't let it ____burn___
    Don't let it fade
    I'm sure I'm not being __rude_____
    But it's just your attitude
    It's tearing me apart
    It's ruining ____everything___
    And I swore

    I swore I would be true
    And honey_______, so did you
    So why were you holding her ___hand____?
    Is that the way we stand?
    Were you lying all the ___time____?
    Was it just a ____game___ to you?

    But I'm in so deep
    You know I'm such a fool for you
    You've got me wrapped around your __finger_____
    Do you have to let it linger?
    Do you have to, do you have to, do have to let it linger?

    Oh, I thought the world of you
    I thought nothing could go ___wrong____
    But I was wrong, I was wrong

    If you, if you could ___get by____
    __trying_____ not to lie
    Things wouldn't be so confused
    And I wouldn't feel so ____used___
    But you ___almays____ really knew
    I just want to be with you

    aluna: Ananda
    turma : 7 º ano


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